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Highware : l'ingéniérie de projets

HIGHWARE in Germany


HIGHWARE: editing and publishing resources for engineering large projects (science, industry, information systems and infrastructure).

Thousands of project leaders have been successful thanks to HIGHWARE services, professional training or higher education in Europe (France, Great Britain, Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Switzerland, Ukraine and Greece), in Asia (China, India, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore), in Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt) and in the United States of America.

Founded 1987, HIGHWARE edited and published many training and education programmes including the “Postgraduate Initiative in Project Engineering” (PIPE) for IX Academics, in English, registered as “Registered Education Programme” at IPMA (International Project Management Association), and the “Postgrade Highware en Ingénierie de Projets” (PHIP) programme, in French, also registered as “Registered Education Programme” at IPMA.

HIGHWARE learning resources (course handouts, conference videos, software components, digital role games and remote learning) are in use at IX Academics (Higher education - Oxford - UK), at IndeXpertise (Professional certification - Paris - France) , and a number of selected higher ducation partner institutions.

HIGHWARE training delivery and knowledge management system is in place at IX Academics, and at IndeXpertise.

In Germany, HIGHWARE develops its network of specialists, trainers and instructors for large projects engineering, and its partnerships with higher education institutes and service providers.

Contact HIGHWARE here.


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